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Справочник инструктора по горным лыжам и сноуборду

Обязанности   Принципы работы   Обучение детей
Словарь англ.яз. инструкторa Часть 1      Словарь англ.яз. инструктора Часть 2 
Методика на английском, лыжи       Методика на английском сноуборд
Экзамены на курсах инструкторов    Экзамен по технике    Экзамен по теории     Экзамен по методике обучения
Преподавательский состав на курсах     Примерное расписание занятий на курсах
История горнолыжных техник и методик обучения в разных странах
История развития конструкции сноуборда и техники катания на нем

Обучение на английском

Методика работы горнолыжного инструктора НЛИ уровень С. Начинающие.Редакция 2007г

 Работа горнолыжного инструктора должна предусматривать некоторое знание языков в пределах обычного общения и для осуществления профессиональной деятельности. Даже при работе на российских просторах иногда приходится заниматься с иностранными гражданами, не владеющими русским языком. Даже если Ваше знание английского минимально, оно позволит наладить контакт. Вот как выглядит методика обучения:
Текст на русском здесь
... make our minds and bodies relaxed before doing any other exercises. We are ready to comprehend new information. Good warming up and stretching avoid significantly getting troubles and any injuries.
Without skies:
1. running, jumping , hopping
2. making circles with hands and legs
3. lining upper-body and head sideways
4. exercises in couples or trinities (eventually group exercises)
5. stretching and realesing of muscles
6. tag games
7. relay race
with skies:
1. stretching ankles,knees and hips (flexing and sprawling)
2. alternating leg lift
3. small jumps
4. hoping or jumping
5. gliding steps
6. rolling knees, left / right
Objective: Getting used to the equipment - limited movement range in ski equipment. Walking, gliding and ascending in gently broken terrain.
During walking on flat, we don't lift our skis but we shift them forwards in a gliding motion. According to the situation, we can support this movement to the front with our ski poles. We should also start practicing edging while ascending and turning around. Appropriate length of our skis is a very important factor for quick learning.
Terrain:       - flat for walking, running
- gently broken terrain for ascending and gliding

1. Check the equipment
2. Show how to carry the skis and poles
3. Stepping into / out to the bindings
4. Balance exercises on the place (knee flexion, lean forward-backward, lean to the right-left side, close your eyes lean forward, backward and middle position )
5. Stepping around the ski tips and ski tails
6. Gliding steps in a straight line
7. Gliding steps with small change of direction
8. Gliding stepsin a gently broken terrain
9. Pushing forwards with both poles (at the same time) and gliding
10. Falling over/getting up.
Skies are parallel, below the body, horizontally
Get up using:   - with the help of partner
-with the help of one pole
-with the help of both poles
11. Ascending     -sidestepping - herring-bone
Clients with worse coordination skills do need more time for practicing and their learning steps are smaller. Duration of individual exercise be chosen in order to ensure that the clients could start to move safely (at least to a certain level) on their skis.
The deal for the whole training is that
Every clients should practice the current exercise until mastering it really well and safely


Objective: gliding, controlled straight running and balance
Movement description:
>    "Parallel ski position" - width of the stance corresponds to the hips width, both
skis are on the flats, weight distributed equally;
>    Ankles and knees are slightly flexed, slight forward lean (middle stance) >    Arms bent in front of the body, slightly apart - poles are parallel pointed
>    Poles are used as help for balancing
>    Look ahead
Terrain: gentle and short with a safe start point and run out on the flat
- It is essential to avoid using too steep terrain!!!
1. Explain and demonstrate right basic position on the place
2. Try the schussing
3. Balance training: up-down, forwards-backwards
- Knee flexion
- Touch outer sides of both boots
- Touch the front bindings (without poles)
- Small jumps while running
4. Balance training: left-right
- Touch the right than the left ski boot
- Alternately lift right than the left ski tail (only slightly)
- Step into the new track - to both sides
- Gliding steps
- Step turning in run out to both sides (small steps)
- Schussing across the fall line
TIPS   -actively flex and extend ankles and knees during
- pushing forwards with both poles (at the same time) movements in joints.

Objective: -gliding snowplough
-braking and stopping
Movement description:
- from the parallel position { schuss) push the heels outwards, push the ski ends apart -make a wedge position
- bring the skies into the inside edges and slide on the inside edges
- active movement in ankles, knees and hips
- look straight ahead
- arms and upper body how in schuss
- extension and flexion relief bring ski a wedge position

For correct mastering of snow-plouqh,Jt Is important:
to push both skis into the wedge position simultaneously and evenly
to slide both ski on their inside edges
to understand that we can slow down and stop through strong edging and
increasing the width of snow-plough/
Terrain: gentle and short with a safe start point and run out on the flat
1.    Stationary exercises - snowplow a) step in
b) jump in
c) push out
2.    Start in schussing position and make a snowplow in the run-out of the slope'
3.    Snowplow whole running
4.    Alternate schuss and snowplow, big and small snowplow
5.    Slow down in snowplow-stop on the hill( poles-marker)
6.    Snowplow in gentle traverse
Tip_ - it is essential to avoid one-sided or uneven snow-plough position!!!

Objective: Skiing down the hill with change of direction
Movement description:
- From snowplow position, skiing down to the falline, weight equal on the both skies
- Slight front and up-motion. put more weight on the outside ski
- Outside ski on the edge
- Up-down motion and change the weight are help for turn
Terrain: gentle, basin shaped slope "bob-sled track"
1.    Single snowplow turn in run out to the right and left side ( Fanprogratton: fell
line, across the fall line)    ..                
2.    Linked snowplow turns
3.    Different rhythm (use poles)
4.    Variation of radius, speed, terrain
Tips - using "fan progression" when training turning could be sometimes very helpful
- efficient use of vertical movement helps to progress in all the levels of the training

In order to save some energy for the evening, It is
necessary to use the lift It is very important to pay
attention to this part of the training

Riding the ski lift might cause serious problems for a lot of beginners. The ski instructor has to get ready his students to this important point of the teaching program,
•     Explain and demonstrate how to ride
•     Explain the rules of behavior and meaning of the lift sings
•     Important preliminary exercises before the ride:
1.    Pull / push the students on the flat - pole might be helpful
2.    Practice off-loading using the pole Help by loading:
1.    Ski instructor without the skis
2.    "it's easier without the poles"
3.    be careful by T-bar lift: "don't sit down, stand upright!" Cooperation with your colleges and with the lift operators is a guarantee of success.

Objective: slipping, edging, speed control, stopping
This part of the training is very important in order to be able to offer our clients more intensive mountain experience the skiing itself. We could also offer them some steeper and more diverse terrains/ Shorter skis with stronger side-cut make reaching of these training objectives easier but certainly do not substitute them.
Terrain: gentle to moderate slope

Objective: control parallel skiing on uphill edges, basic skiing position
Movement description:
>    The skies are on upper edges in parallel position; slightly flexed position of
ankles, knees and hips— middle position
Shift the uphill ski a little bit ahead
The upper body is bent slightly forward, facing downhill
The downhill ski is more weighted
All the axes are parallel:   
-    Ski tips
-    Ankles
-    Hips
-    Shoulders
-    Hands Exercises
1.    Explanation, demonstration of basic skiing position on the place
2.    Side stepping uphill
3.    Traverse in basic skiing position
4.    Traverse - "airplane" (downhill hand points with the pole backwards? Uphill hand points with the pole forwards)
5.    Traverse - without poles (put your downhill hand on the hip, uphill hand forward slightly down)
6.    Traverse - lifting the end of the uphill ski
7.    Traverse - stepping into the new higher track
8.    Traverse - draw a line below your body with both poles
Important elements of the basic skiing position (as a basic for alpine skiing) are being practiced during the traversing/Traversing is practiced during every run. Efficient use off the vertical movement (in connection with traversing) improves the basic skiing position. Traversing with carving skis put on edge will cause (because of their side-cut) change of direction. The track left behind will lead uphill at the end of the traversing.


Objektive: side slipping, speed control, stopping
Movement description    
- Start traversing in a slightly extended from snowplow position, matching the
unweighting uphill ski
-Steer the side slipping by moving the knees toward the hill    \\^.
1.    stationary exercise: from snow-plough position, slide the uphill ski in-to parallel with the downhill one
2. from traversing snow-plough, bring the uphill ski in parallel position and start side slipping into uphill parallel Christie
3.    side slipping towards a target, in falline, speed control
Side slipping is one of few possibilities how to handle some more difficult parts of the slopes. With their improving skills, the training clients will gain more confidence and they will control their skis better.
Objective: turning with steering on the uphill edges Terrain:   moderate slope
Movement description:
Start in traversing position - move to the front and up, with simultaneous stemming out of the uphill ski. Counter pressure of snow and the side-cut of skis will drift the skis into the fall line. After passing the fall line and the weight transfer, turn the inside ski, get into the basic skiing position again and steer out of the fall line. Sliding the inside ski in is dependent on the current situation. Terrain, speed and rhythm will lead to carving at the basic level.
1. Start in wedge position, gradual "fan progression"- all the way to the fall line
2. Stationary exercise: stem out the uphill ski and slide it back in (change edges)
3. Single turn: start in traverse position, move up-motion and simultaneously stem out uphill ski, drift into the fall line, Wight the outside ski more (gush the knee to thq front and Jnto the turn), steer out of the fall line and slide the insfde ski in (to be parallel with the ouiside ski)
4. Linking turns (start run in the fall line)
5. Variation of radius, speed, rhythm, terrain, track