владения доской
Знания и навыки |
Уровень 5: Профессионал |
Хождение в любых
ветровых условиях |
Уровень 4: Эксперт |
Можете ходить в
нелёгких ветровых
условиях |
Уровень 3: Продвинутый |
Хождение в ограниченных
условиях |
Уровень 2: Любитель |
Больше на доске, чем
вне её |
Уровень 1: Новичок |
Непривязанно ходите в
досягаемости |
Начинающий: 6-8 Узлов ветер |
Хождение в
зоне под
наблюдением Можете самоспастись. |
Короткая доска
Уровень 5: Профессионал |
Хождение в любых
ветровых условиях |
Уровень 4: Эксперт |
Можете ходить в
нелёгких ветровых
условиях |
Уровень 3: Продвинутый |
Хождение в ограниченных
условиях |
Уровень 2: Любитель |
Ходите в пределах
досягаемости |
Уровень 1: Новичок | Проходите
дистанции Можете поворачивать в любом направлении Старт из воды с ногами, касающимися дна (бич старт) |
Короткая доска
Уровень 5: Профессионал |
Хождение в любых
ветровых условиях |
Уровень 4: Эксперт |
Можете ходить в
нелёгких ветровых
условиях |
Уровень 3: Продвинутый |
Хождение в ограниченных
условиях |
Уровень 2: Любитель |
Можете ходить в
маленьком прибое |
Уровень 1: Новичок | Ходите по
гребням Старт из воды с ногами, касающимися дна |
Источник - http://meltingpot.fortunecity.com/kentish/77/awia.htm
Источник Учебник виндсерфинга Сергея Чупрова на http://chuper.wind.ru
A course for complete
beginners |
(non planing)
Средний неглиссирующий
Introducing you to our Fastfwd coaching technique, helping you fine tune basic skills and make your windsurfing faster and more fluid |
(planing) Средний (глиссирующий)
The second part of the Intermediate course, building on your skills to get the board planing. |
Additional clinics help you master dynamic transitions, advanced planing techniques, the waterstart and infamous planing gybe |
Assumed knowledge | None | The Start Windsurfing course. Should be able to sail on all points of sailing in light winds | Competent with skills and knowledge to the standard of the Intermediate non-planing course | Competent Intermediate level with the ability to sail in footstraps and harness in planing conditions |
duration Продолжит. |
8-10 часов | 8-10 часов | 8-10 часов | 8-10 часов |
content Содержание курса |
Teaches you the basics of windsurfing using the right equipment | New techniques such as the beachstart and harness work will get you ready for the excitement of blasting control. Beachstarting and gybing are taught either as a separate clinic or within the course, tailored to an individual’s needs and the teaching environment | Harness(трапеция) and footstrap (петли) techniques combined with our Fastfwd coaching improve your stance and get the board planing, giving you the exhilaration of speed and improved theory knoweldge. | Dynamic transitions, advanced planing techniques and waterstarts are broken down and simplified, backed up with relevant theory. Waterstarting, carve gybing and other advanced skills such as advanced carving and bump and jump, can be taught as part of a course or clinic, or as an ongoing learning experience |
Ability after course | Able to sail to a chosen point on the water and return to where you started from in light winds | Able to sail on all points of sailing in stronger winds, using beachstarts and faster tacking and gybing | Beachstarting and gybing are taught either as a separate clinic or within the course, tailored to an individual’s needs and the teaching environment | Improved blasting control to aid early planing, tacking on a variety of boards in varying conditions. Additional clinics help you master the waterstart and infamous planing gybe |
Vom guten alten Könnensstufenmodell sind wir gewohnt, das
KÖNNEN im Windsurfen daran zu messen, welche Manöver
jemand kann. Das ist aus zwei Gründen problematisch:
1. Die sichere Zuordnung zu einer Könnensstufe fällt
schwer, weil keiner so recht zu sagen vermag, ob man ein, zwei oder
alle Manöver einer Könnensstufe beherrschen
muß, um "dazu zugehören". Mit der Aussage: "Ich bin
so zwischen Könnensstufe 3 und 5" kann man aber beim besten
Willen nicht viel anfangen.
2. Der Begriff KÖNNEN ist dehnbar. Der eine meint, er kann die
Powerhalse, wenn er das erste Mal um die Ecke geschaukelt ist, ohne ins
Wasser zu fallen. Der Andere denkt, er kann die Powerhalse nicht, weil
Dunki schneller um die Tonne halst als er.
Im SKILLSYSTEM wird nun der Begriff KÖNNEN nicht mehr an
einzelne Manöver gekoppelt, sondern an drei bzw. vier
grundlegende, surferische Fähigkeiten, die SKILLS:
Стандарты.Сертификация любителей по системе US Sailing (базовый уровень)
Это описано здесь http://www.sailingusa.info/windsurfing.htm
В переводе на русский http://translate.google.ru/translate?hl=ru&sl=auto&tl=ru&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sailingusa.info%2Fwindsurfing.htm
Минимальное знание английского позволит вам почитать документ в оригинале:
"Standards for US
SAILING’s Basic Windsurfing Certification
Part 1: Minimum Water Skills
The following skills are to be tested on the water for mastery. It is
recommended that the chronological order of skills be followed as
listed. To attain the mastery level, the student should be able to
perform the skills safely and generally mistake free – judged
on a basis that is appropriate for a learn-to-windsurf student.
Criteria used for evaluation should include steering technique, sail
trim, stance and grip, board handling skills, and student confidence.
Falling or dropping the rig should not, on its own, be used as a
criterion for not mastering a skill.
performance may be influenced by wind speed and direction, water
conditions and air temperature. Recommended wind range for testing
skills is three to six knots. Regional differences in typical
conditions may require that this recommended wind range be modified.
1. Rig a
Board: from components, then launch without assistance.
2. Uphaul the Rig: from
downwind and from upwind to basic position.
3. Maintain Basic
4. Turn Board: from
basic position, turn board in opposite direction (180 degrees) through
no-go zone.
5. Go to Sailing
Position: from basic position to sailing position.
6. Sailing Position:
stance, grip, and sail positions for different points of sail.
7. Fail-Safe Maneuver
8. Stopping Maneuvers:
slow and quick controlled stops.
9. De-Rig to
Self-Rescue: de-rig to self-rescue position and paddle 100 yards.
10. Rig from
Self-Rescue: from self-rescue position to sailing position.
11. Tacking: from reach
to reach, close-hauled to close-hauled.
12. Jibing: reach to
reach, run to run.
13. Sailing a
Rectangular Course
14. Landing without
15. De-Rig for Storage
Part 2: Minimum Knowledge Skills
In addition to
mastering the minimum water skills, a student is expected to be
familiar with the following knowledge areas: right-of-way, safety, rig
parts, board parts, points of sail, hypothermia, heat emergencies,
weather, currents and tides. To successfully complete the requirements
for a basic windsurfing certificate, you must answer 80% of the
questions correctly on the knowledge test that your instructor will
give you.
16. Know
and understand how a sail works.
17. Know and understand
the “no-go zone.”
18. Know and understand
steering a sailboard.
19. Know and understand
current effects.
20. Know and understand
tidal effects.
21. Know and understand
offshore, onshore, and cross-shore winds.
22. Know and understand
hypothermia cause.
23. Know and understand
hypothermia prevention.
24. Know and understand
hypothermia recognition.
25. Know and understand
hypothermia treatment.
26. Know and understand
finding wind direction.
27. Know and understand
finding current direction.
28. Know and understand
the Basic Rules of the Road (#1-5).
29. Know and understand
the Windsurfing Safety Code.
30. Know and understand
the Three Golden Rules. http://www.windsurfing-academy.com/competition/event_organization_guide/wave/golden_rules.asp
31. Know and understand
the clothing for windsurfing in hot and cold climates."
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